Welcome to Wolverhampton’s Rent with Confidence (RwC) scheme aimed at working with the Private Rented Sector to improve the quality, standard of property conditions and management of the sector.
The City of Wolverhampton Council have ambitious plans for the growth of the housing market, delivering more and better homes. Getting the right housing offer, which includes private rented sector, a growing tenure, with a variety of household types increasingly reliant upon it. We are committed that the landlord service offered to tenants across our city meet the Rent with Confidence standards in the private sector.
The partnership work with landlords, managing agents and stakeholders will help to drive up property conditions and management standards, thus providing a gateway to widen the choice for residents and tenants. This will be achieved by providing support, training and incentives to members, the focus will be to work with landlords to provide better, longer, more secure tenancies, thus contributing to the wellbeing of tenants and residents. We will also support the roll out of an accreditation for all landlords and publicly recognise them, that they are willing to achieve and adhere to good management and property standards.
Calling All Landlords!
Are you considering giving notice to your tenants? If so please contact “Call Us First” for help with:
Landlord Forum Meeting
Thursday 27th February 2025
English Private Landlord Survey 2024
A uniquely valuable large scale, representative picture of private landlords.
Energy Performance Certificates Consultation
On 4th December, the UK Government published the first of two consultations on energy efficiency.
Upcoming EPC rating changes
The UK government is introducing stricter energy efficiency standards for rental properties, aiming to reduce carbon emissions and improve the sustainability of housing.
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